Adam Walanus, Michał Kokowski
Potential usefulness of radiocarbon dating for the authentication of Nicolaus Copernicus’s grave.
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The article was peer-reviewed by:
- Professor Marek Krąpiec, Habilitated Doctor in Technical Sciences (Laboratory of Dendrochronology and Malacology, Department of Environmental Analysis, Cartography and Economic Geology, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków).
Published in:
Michał Kokowski (ed.), The
Nicolus Copernicus grave mystery. A dialog of experts(2015),
pp. 159–168.
This paper was published originaly in Polish in:
Michał Kokowski (red.), Tajemnica
grobu Mikołaja Kopernika. Dialog ekspertów
(Kraków 22–23 II 2010) (2012), pp.
The authors analyse the potential usefulness of the method of radiocarbon dating to examine the grave of Nicolaus Copernicus, whose age is, in some sense, beyond the scope of the method which serves prehistoric archaeology rather than historic archaeology. The critical element in this case is the calibration curve, the shape of which makes it impossible to distinguish some “dates”. A diagram was given indicating the age of the samples that can be distinguished using the method of 14C.