the grave of Nicolaus Copernicus been discovered?
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in Polish:
Michał Kokowski, Czy odkryto grób Mikołaja
Kopernika? Wiadomo¶ci Matematyczne 56(2) 2020,
pp. 311–317.
It is worth noting that:
- the author of the article is the only Polish person who holds a doctor degree and a higher one called in Poland “doktor habilitowany” (habilitated doctor,) and the title of professor in the field of Copernican studies — see Thomas S. Kuhn and the issue of the Copernican revolution (“Studia Copernicana”, vol. 39 2001, Copernicus's Originality. Towards Integration of Contemporary Copernican Studies (Warsaw-Cracow 2004), and Different faces of Nicholas Copernicus. Meetings with a history of interpretations(in Polish) (Warsaw-Cracow 2009);
- he is also the actual co-author and one of the signatories (on behalf of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciencs) of the so-called Frombork Declaration to encourage further research and competent popularization of achievements of Nicolaus Copernicus.