Errors of the parametric evaluation
(in Polish)
Forum Akademickie
2014/06, pp. 30–31.
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The article analyzes the specific issues of the model of evaluation research units prevailing in the years 2012-2016, mostly of a formal-legal, and mathematical nature.
It discusses the various errors of the model, among others:
the substantively unjustified division of research units into four different groups: university units (usually faculties), institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences, research institutes and “other, smaller units”;
the non-disclosure of the parameters of reference units of the groups of joint assessment;
the creation of the quasi groups of joint assessment composed of only one evaluated research unit;
the abandon of the idea of standardizing all criteria of the evaluation in relation to the number of researchers involved in the implementation of tasks (it regards to the “scientific potential” and the “other effects of scientific activity”) – such an asymmetry of the evaluation criteria promotes large units (not necessarily the most efficient in terms of scientific productivity).
The article postulates, among others, to disclose the parameters of reference units of the groups of joint assessment (because their concealment is breaking of the law on access to public information) and to correct assessments calculated by KEJN.
Polish model
of evaluation research units,
defects of the evaluation model,
science of science, KEJN.