2nd International Conference of
the European Society for the History of Science

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The Global and the Local:

The History of Science and the Cultural Integration of Europe

Cracow, Poland, September 6-9, 2006

Last modification: 31 August 2006

Conference Schedule

FRIDAY, September 8, 2006

Session slot M-4

Location: Aula / Assembly Hall, Collegium Novum (1st floor), Jagiellonian University
09.00-10.15 General Assembly of the ESHS (members only)
10.15-10.45 (Pl) "Alexander von Humboldt - The explorer and the scientist" - a presidential address by Prof. Eberhard Knobloch (Berlin, Germany)
10.45-11.00 (Pl) "Towards a new web site of the DHST: participatory media for a community of scholars, possibilities and choices" by Fabio BEVILACQUA (Pavia, Italy)

Location: Corridors of the 2nd floor, Collegium Novum, Jagiellonian University
11.00-11.30 Cofee Break


Session slot 4.A
Chair: Sona STRBANOVA (Prague, The Czech Republic)

Symposium R-2: "Achievements of Central Europe in Science, in the light of historical studies"

Location: Aula / Assembly Hall, Collegium Novum (1st floor), Jagiellonian University
11.30-11.55 "Three generations of natural scientists in Hungary 1848-1918" by Éva Katalin VÁMOS (Budapest, Hungary)
11.55-12.20 "Gregor Mendel and the Scientific Milieu of His Discovery" by Jiří SEKERÁK (Brno, The Czech Republic)
12.20-12.45 "The Lvov School of Mathematics" by Roman DUDA (Wroclaw, Poland)

Session slot 4.B
Chair: Annette B. VOGT (Berlin, Germany)

Symposium R-10: "From Maria Sklodowska-Curie to the 21st Century: Working on Women and Science in History of Science"

Location: Senate Room, Collegium Novum (1st floor), Jagiellonian University
11.30-11.55 -------------
11.55-12.20 "A Scientific Outsider: Astrid Cleve von Euler and Her Passion for Research" by Kristina ESPMARK (Umea, Sweden)
12.20-12.45 "Roses for the Gentlemen: The question of Women's rights in medical studies at the University of Vienna before 1897" by Felicitas SEEBACHER (Klagenfurth, Austria)

Session slot 4.C
Chair: Patrick PETITJEAN (Paris, France)

Symposium R-17: "Politically active Scientists in the 20th Century"

Location: Room 30, Collegium Novum (1st floor), Jagiellonian University
11.30-11.55 "The Rationalism beyond science: the politic and religious activism of the Union rationaliste" by Yannick BÉZIN (Paris, France)
11.55-12.20 "The concept of nature and environmental projects: UNESCO in its first decade" by Heloisa Maria BERTOL DOMINGUES (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
12.20-12.45 -------------

Session slot 4.D
Chair: Geert VANPAEMEL (Leuven, Belgium)

Symposium R-18: "Circulating Knowledge: A European perspective on communication of science"

Location: Room 56, Collegium Novum (2nd floor), Jagiellonian University
11.30-11.55 "The 'Americanisation' of Dutch Universities in the 1960s and 70s:
The Case of Chemistry at the University of Groningen" by Ton van HELVOORT (Groningen, The Netherlands)
11.55-12.20 "The 'Holsteinisation' of the Dutch dairy cattle breeds in the 1970s and 1980s" by Bert THEUNISSEN (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
12.20-12.45 -------------

Session slot 4.E
Chair: Konstantinos NIKOLANTONAKIS (Florina, Greece)

Symposium R-8: "Weights and Measures: the first integration in Europe?"

Location: Room 6, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
11.30-11.55 "The decimal metric system facing scientists and population" by Suzanne DÉBARBAT, Simone DUMONT (Paris, France)
11.55-12.20 "In Search of Common Standards - The 1650 Computer of Casimir Simienowicz for Weight Conversions" by Romualdas SVIEDRYS (Brooklyn, N.Y., USA)
12.20-12.45 "Gauß, Meyerstein and Hanoverian precision weights and measures" by Klaus HENTSCHEL (Berne, Switzerland)

Session slot 4.F
Chair: Pasquale TUCCI (Milano, Italy)

Symposium R-9: "Global Physics and Local Research in the 20th Century"

Location: Room 7, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
11.30-11.55 "Greenland Ice Sheet Project: Collaboration of local specialisations on global problems" by Maiken LOLCK (Aarhus, Denmark)
11.55-12.20 "The reception of the De Broglie principle in England" by Jaume NAVARRO (Cambridge, The Great Britain)
12.20-12.45 "From Möbius to Heisenberg - Mathematical and theoretical physics in Leipzig 1830 - 1945" by Karl-Heinz SCHLOTE (Leipzig, Germany)

Session slot 4.G
Chair: Michal KOKOWSKI (Cracow, Poland)

Symposium R-4: "Nicholas Copernicus in focus"

Location: Room 1, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
11.30-11.55 "Bibliografia Kopernikowska. T.1-3 (Copernican Bibliography Vol. 1-3)" by Henryk BARANOWSKI (Torun, Poland) and "Investigations on the life and extensive works of Nicolas Copernicus" by Marian BISKUP (Torun, Poland)
11.55-12.20 "How Copernicus saw what Ptolemy and everyone else for 1400 years missed" by Howard MARGOLIS (Chicago, USA)
12.20-12.45 "Ptolemy, Copernicus, and Kepler on Linear Distances" by André GODDU (Stonehill, USA)

Session slot 4.H
Chair: Andrzej Kajetan WROBLEWSKI (Warsaw, Poland)

Symposium R-varia I:

Location: Lecture Room H, Collegium Olszewskiego, Jagiellonian University
11.30-11.55 "Restructuring the connections (Scientific networks of the University of Tartu shattered by language shifts)" by Ken KALLING, Erki TAMMIKSAAR (Tartu, Estonia)
11.55-12.20 "The revival of the Vilnius University in 1919: historical conditions and importance for Polish science" by Ewelina Tylinska (Warsaw, Poland)
12.20-12.45 "The Studies and the History of Mathematics at the University of Lithuania in 1920-1940" by Juozas BANIONIS (Vilnius, Lithuania)

Session slot 4.I
Chair: Claude DEBRU (Paris, France)

Symposium R-14: "Progress in Science and Science in Progress: Cultural Perspectives"

Location: Room 13, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
11.30-11.55 "A qualitative view of scientific progress (and possible regression): What are the right questions to ask in experimental science?" by Claude DEBRU (Paris, France)
11.55-12.20 "Erratic progresses - Model of the erraticism" by Jean-Gabriel GANASCIA (Paris, France)
12.20-12.45 "Science, Mennonites and Dissent in the Dutch Enlightenment" by Ernst P. HAMM (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

Session slot 4.J
Chair: Fabio BEVILACQUA (Pavia, Italy)


Location: Room 14, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
11.30-11.55 "Archimedes' centres of gravity theory as a logical foundation in Torricelli's mechanics?" by Raffaele PISANO (Rome, Italy)
11.55-12.20 "Mathematics Science and Memory: Florentine Painting and the origins of the experimental model during the Italian Renaissance" by Richard K. MERRITT (Decorah, Iowa, USA)
12.20-12.45 -------------

Location: Corridors of the 2nd floor, Collegium Novum, Jagiellonian University
12.45 -14.15 Lunch

Session slot 5.A
Chair: Andrzej PELCZAR (Krakow, Poland)

Symposium R-2: "Achievements of Central Europe in Science, in the light of historical studies"

Location: Aula / Assembly Hall, Collegium Novum (1st floor), Jagiellonian University
14.15-14.40 "Browicz or Kupffer cells?" by Andrzej SRODKA, Ryszard W. GRYGLEWSKI and Wojciech SZCZEPANSKI (Cracow, Poland)
14.40-15.05 "A somewhat obscure discoverer of plasmodesmata - Eduard Tangl (1848-1905)" by Piotr KÖHLER (Cracow, Poland) and Denis J. CARR (Pearce, Australia)
15.05-15.30 "Ludwik Fleck as a medical scientist, microbiologist and immunologist" by Andrzej GRZYBOWSKI (Poznan, Poland)

Session slot 5.B
Chair: Sona STRBANOVA (Prague, The Czech Republic)

Symposium R-10: "From Maria Sklodowska-Curie to the 21st Century: Working on Women and Science in History of Science"

Location: Senate Room, Collegium Novum (1st floor), Jagiellonian University
14.15-14.40 -------------
14.40-15.05 "Portraying gender" by Sasa LADA, Olga FOTAKOPOULOU, Katerina CHATZIKONSTANTINOU (Thessaloniki, Greece)
15.05-15.30 "The biochemist and physiologist Lina Stern (1878-1968) at the intersection of personal and academic history" by Jean-Jacques DREIFUSS (Geneva, Switzerland), Natalia TIKHONOV (Strasbourg, France)

Session slot 5.C
Chair: Patrick PETITJEAN (Paris, France)

Symposium R-17: "Politically active Scientists in the 20th Century"

Location: Room 30, Collegium Novum (1st floor), Jagiellonian University
14.15-14.40 "The International Conferences on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy and Cold War confrontation: scientific internationalism in the 1950s and 1960s" by Ulrike WUNDERLE (Tübingen, Germany)
14.40-15.05 "Norbert Wiener's Politics and the History of Cybernetics" by Mathieu TRICLOT (Lyon, France)
15.05-15.30 "Science is not national, but scientists are" by Simon OLLING REBSDORF (Aarhus, Denmark)

Session slot 5.D
Chair: Bert THEUNISSEN (Utrecht, The Netherlands)

Symposium R-18: "Circulating Knowledge: A European perspective on communication of science"

Location: Room 56, Collegium Novum (2nd floor), Jagiellonian University
14.15-14.40 "Knowledge transfer about sex and gender: The case of Women's Studies in the Netherlands" by Jeannette van der SANDEN (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
14.40-15.05 "Local vs Global Knowledge: Is It a Meaningful Dichotomy?" by Zibartas Juozas JACKUNAS (Vilnius, Lithuania)
15.05-15.30 "Scientific connections in new Europe after World War I. The example of mathematics in Strasbourg and Brno" by Laurent MAZLIAK (Paris, France), Pavel SISMA (Brno, The Czech Republic)

Session slot 5.E
Chair: Konstantinos NIKOLANTONAKIS (Florina, Greece)

Symposium R-8: "Weights and Measures: the first integration in Europe?"

Location: Room 6, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
14.15-14.40 "Weights and Measures: the Greek efforts to integrate the Metric System" by Konstantinos NIKOLANTONAKIS (Florina, Greece)
14.40-15.05 "The Netherlands and the International Bureau of Weights and Measures" by Frans van LUNTEREN (Amsterdam-Utrecht, The Netherlands)
15.05-15.30 "Weights and Measures of the Spanish military engineers until the metrical unification " by Juan NAVARRO LOIDI, Pilar MERINO SAENZ (Rentería, Basque Country, Spain)

Session slot 5.F
Chair: Maiken LOLCK (Aarhus, Denmark)

Symposium R-9: "Global Physics and Local Research in the 20th Century"

Location: Room 7, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
14.15-14.40 "Nuclear physics instrumentation in Norway: 1933-1955" by Roland WITTJE (Trondheim, Norway)
14.40-15.05 "Triangle Collaboration" by Juraj SEBESTA" (Bratislava, Slovakia)
15.05-15.30 "The Internationalization of Physical Cosmology" by Helge KRAGH (Aarhus, Denmark)

Session slot 5.G
Chair: Michal KOKOWSKI (Cracow, Poland)

Symposium R-4: "Nicholas Copernicus in focus"

Location: Room 1, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
14.15-14.40 -------------
14.40-15.05 "The early Copernican biographies and portraits as part of the reception of Copernicus" by Andreas KUEHNE (München, Germany)
15.05-15.30 "The Leiden interpretation of Copernicus' theory of the universe" by Rienk H. VERMIJ (Utrecht, The Netherlands)

Session slot 5.H
Chair: Roman DUDA (Wroclaw, Poland)

Symposium R-varia I:

Location: Lecture Room H, Collegium Olszewskiego, Jagiellonian University
14.15-14.40 "Gruber and the Machine Ship Model" by Stanislav JUZNIC (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
14.40-15.05 "Jubilee of Jan Hempel's Geognostic map of coalfield in Polish Kingdom" by Andrzej J. Wójcik (Warsaw, Poland)
15.05-15.30 "The Explorers of the Northern Part of the Silesia - Cracow Upland. Natural Research Between the Middle of the 19th Century and the End of the 20th Century" by Ewa KACZMARZYK (Czestochowa, Poland)

Session slot 5.I
Chair: Claude DEBRU (Paris, France)

Symposium R-14: "Progress in Science and Science in Progress: Cultural Perspectives"

Location: Room 13, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
14.15-14.40 "Back to Progress: One or More Scientific Paradigms" by Aleksandar PETROVIC (Kragujevac, Serbia)
14.40-15.05 "How Does Knowledge Accumulate? Circulation-processes in a Long-term Perspective" by Henk WALS (Hague, The Netherlands)
15.05-15.30 "On the relationship between the natural and the human sciences: Energetic Sociology" by Daan WEGENER (Utrecht, The Netherlands)

Session slot 5.J
Chair: Fabio BEVILACQUA (Pavia, Italy)


Location: Room 14, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
14.15-14.40 "The beginnings of scientific interests in electrical phenomena in Hungarian Kingdom" by Miroslav MOROVICS, Andrej SPERKA (Bratislava, Slovakia)
14.40-15.05 "From the 17th century to the present-day in Estonia: Evolution of exact and natural sciences" by Vahur MÄGI (Tallinn, Estonia)
15.05-15.30 "The last paper by Ettore Majorana: an analysis" by Carlo ARTEMI (Orvieto, Italy)

Location: Corridors of the 2nd floor, Collegium Novum, Jagiellonian University
15.30-16.15 Tee Break

Session slot 6.A
Chair: Juraj SEBESTA (Bratislava, Slovakia)

Symposium R-2: "Achievements of Central Europe in Science, in the light of historical studies"

Location: Aula / Assembly Hall, Collegium Novum (1st floor), Jagiellonian University
16.15-16.40 "Natural Scientist I. PULUJ and Discovery of the X-Rays" by Warfolomey SAVCHUK (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine)
16.40-17.05 "Scientific and personal contacts of Polish physicists with Einstein" by Bronislaw SREDNIAWA (Cracow, Poland)
17.05-17.30 -------------

Session slot 6.B   {CANCELLED !}

Symposium R-10: "From Maria Sklodowska-Curie to the 21st Century: Working on Women and Science in History of Science"

Location: Senate Room, Collegium Novum (1st floor), Jagiellonian University
16.15-16.40 {Cancelled on 30 August 2006 !}
16.40-17.05 {Cancelled on 25 August 2006 !}
17.05-17.30 -------------

Session slot 6.C
Chair: Geert SOMSEN (Maastricht, The Netherlands)

Symposium R-17: "Politically active Scientists in the 20th Century"

Location: Room 30, Collegium Novum (1st floor), Jagiellonian University
16.15-16.40 "These Twisted Times: The Russian Delegation to the 1931 Congress and the Battle for Russian Science in the 1930s" by C. A. J. CHILVERS (Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark)
16.40-17.05 "J.D. Bernal as Historian of Science" by Mikulas TEICH (Cambridge, The Great Britain)
17.05-17.30 "The Second Generation of Historians of the Social Relations of Science" by Vidar ENEBAKK (Oslo, Norway)

Session slot 6.D
Chair: Geert VANPAEMEL (Leuven, Belgium)

Symposium R-18: "Circulating Knowledge: A European perspective on communication of science"

Location: Room 56, Collegium Novum (2nd floor), Jagiellonian University
16.15-16.40 "Scientific exchanges between Giovanni Battista Amici and European scientists" by Alberto MESCHIARI (Pisa, Italy)
16.40-17.05 "New sources, new look: the Ostrodzko-Elblaski Canal / Poland About the network origins of its Inclined Planes" by Eckhard SCHINKEL (Dortmund, Germany)
17.05-17.30 "Paul Ehrenfest as a mediator" by Marijn J. HOLLESTELLE (Leiden, The Netherlands)

Session slot 6.E
Chair: Konstantinos NIKOLANTONAKIS (Florina, Greece)

Symposium R-8: "Weights and Measures: the first integration in Europe?"

Location: Room 6, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
16.15-16.40 "First applications of the decimal metric system in Italy" by Maria Teresa BORGATO (Ferrara, Italy)
16.40-17.05 "Success and constraints in the adoption of the metric system in Portugal" by Fátima PAIXAO, Fátima REGINA JORGE (Castelo Branco, Portugal)
17.05-17.30 "Money: From Virtual Reality to the Real Thing - Emerging National Currencies and the Transformation of Traditional Peasant Economy in Northwest Germany" by Karl-Heinz ZIESSOW (Cloppenburg, Germany)

Session slot 6.F
Chair: Helge KRAGH (Aarhus, Denmark)

Symposium R-9: "Global Physics and Local Research in the 20th Century"

Location: Room 7, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
16.15-16.40 "Giuseppe Paolo Stanislao Occhialini: a cosmopolitan scientist" by Pasquale TUCCI (Milano, Italy)
16.40-17.05 "Developing a Technique for Researches in Cosmic-ray Physics: Nuclear Emulsions from Bristol to Europe" by Leonardo GARIBOLDI (Milano, Italy)
17.05-17.30 "The G-Stack collaboration and the Mediterranean flights (1952-1955): a first example of European collaboration in particle physics" by Cristina OLIVOTTO and Leonardo GARIBOLDI (Milano, Italy)

Session slot 6.G
Chair: Michal KOKOWSKI (Cracow, Poland)

Symposium R-4: "Nicholas Copernicus in focus"

Location: Room 1, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
16.15-16.40 "Towards a Cognitive History of the Copernican Revolution" by Peter BARKER (Oklahoma City, USA)
16.40-17.05 "Nicholas Copernicus in focus of interdisciplinary research" by Michal KOKOWSKI (Cracow, Poland)
17.05-17.30 (POSTER): "Copernicanism in Iceland" by Einar H. GUDMUNDSSON, Eyjólfur KOLBEINS, Thorsteinn VILHJALMSSON (Reykjavik, Iceland)

Session slot 6.H
Chair: Stephanie DUPOUY (Paris, France)

Symposium R-varia I

Location: Lecture Room H, Collegium Olszewskiego, Jagiellonian University
16.15-16.40 -------------
16.40-17.05 "Surgeons in the courtroom: forensic expertise and local power at Paris and London, 1760-1790" by Christelle RABIER (Paris, France)
17.05-17.30 "Mapping the face: Anatomy of Passions by J. Parsons, P. Camper and C. Bell" by Stephanie DUPOUY (Paris, France)

Session slot 6.I
Chair: W. Gerhard POHL (Linz, Austria)

Symposium R-varia III (CHEMISTRY)

Location: Room 13, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
16.15-16.40 "Cold Light in the painting Group Portrait in the Chemist's House" by Alicja RAFALSKA-LASOCHA, Wieslaw LASOCHA, Anna JASINSKA (Cracow, Poland)
16.40-17.05 "Controlling Infectious Diseases at the End of 18th Century in Spain" by Núria PEREZ-PEREZ (Barcelona, Spain)
17.05-17.30 (POSTER): "Liebig and Wöhler and the Concept of Isomerism" by Soledad ESTEBAN SANTOS (Madrid, Spain)


18.00-21.00 Collegium Maius - Jagiellonian University Museum [Friday, September 8, 18.00-21.00]
Jagiellonian Library - Collection of manuscripts and rare books (including the autograph of De revolutionibus!) [Friday, September 8, 18.00-19.30]

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