2nd International Conference of
the European Society for the History of Science

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The Global and the Local:

The History of Science and the Cultural Integration of Europe

Cracow, Poland, September 6-9, 2006

Last modification: 31 August 2006

Conference Schedule

THURSDAY, September 7, 2006

Session slot M-2

Location: The 2nd entresol, Collegium Novum, Jagiellonian University
10.50-11.30 POSTER SESSION

Session slot M-3
Chairs: Claude Debru (Paris, France), Robert Fox (Oxford, The Great Britain)

Plenary lectures:

Location: Aula / Assembly Hall, Collegium Novum (1st floor), Jagiellonian University
09.00-09.55 (Pl) "Crossroads of Medicine and Chemistry in the 20th Century" by Prof. Ryszard J. Gryglewski (Cracow, Poland; Honorary Fellow of the British Pharmacological Society)
09.55-10.50 (Pl) "The Republic of Letters in transition: William Thomson and natural philosophy ca. 1850" by Prof. Giuliano Pancaldi (Bologna, Italy)

Location: Corridors of the 2nd floor, Collegium Novum, Jagiellonian University
10.50-11.30 Cofee Break


Session slot 1.A
Chair: Eva Vamos (Budapest, Hungary)

Symposium R-2: "Achievements of Central Europe in Science, in the light of historical studies"

Location: Aula / Assembly Hall, Collegium Novum (1st floor), Jagiellonian University
11.30-11.55 "L. I. Kordysch and the development of theoretical physics in the first part of the 20th century in the Ukraine: all-European context" by Olena SHCHERBAK (Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine)
11.55-12.20 "Jaroslav Heyrovský and Wiktor Kemula: the Czech and Polish polarography" by Jiøí JINDRA (Prague, The Czech Republic)
12.20-12.45 -------------

Session slot 1.B
Chair: Ida H. STAMHUIS (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Symposium R-10: "From Maria Sklodowska-Curie to the 21st Century: Working on Women and Science in History of Science"

Location: Senate Room, Collegium Novum (1st floor), Jagiellonian University
11.30-11.55 "Our Marie Curie's - Women Physicists in Vienna" by Brigitte BISCHOF (Vienna, Austria)
11.55-12.20 "From Fertile Centers to Seeding the Periphery - Ellen Gleditsch: Pioneer Woman from Norway" by Annette LYKKNES, Lise KVITTINGEN, Anne Kristine BORRESEN (Oslo, Norway)
12.20-12.45 "The abscence of women in neutrino physics" by Gisela MATEOS (Mexico City, Mexico)
12.45-13.10 "Gender transformations in physics in the 1960s: the case of the Greek research center Dimokritos" by Maria RENTETZI (Athens, Greece)

Session slot 1.C
Chair: Chris CHILVERS (Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark)

Symposium R-17: "Politically active Scientists in the 20th Century"

Location: Room 30, Collegium Novum (1st floor), Jagiellonian University
11.30-11.55 "Illusions of political neutrality: science-based technocracy in interwar Western Europe and North America" by Kenneth BERTRAMS (Bruxelles, Belgium)
11.55-12.20 "Einstein, Bergson, and the Experiment that Failed: Intellectual Cooperation at the League of Nations" by Jimena CANALES (Harvard, USA)
12.20-12.45 "Committing to Internationalism: Mediating Activities of Dutch Scientists between 1900 and 1950" by Geert SOMSEN (Maastricht, The Netherlands)

Session slot 1.D
Chair: Lodewijk C. PALM (Utrecht-Hague, The Netherlands)

Symposium R-18: "Circulating Knowledge: A European perspective on communication of science"

Location: Room 56, Collegium Novum (2nd floor), Jagiellonian University
11.30-11.55 "The Role of Typographical Fixity in the Acceptance of Algebraic Symbolism in Sixteenth-century Europe" by Albrecht HEEFFER (Ghent, Belgium)
11.55-12.20 "Leeuwenhoek's Letters and the Circulation of Knowledge: Individual Preferences" by Lodewijk C. PALM (Utrecht-Hague, The Netherlands)
12.20-12.45 "The latest news from the heavens. The European correspondence-network of Dutch astronomers in the 18th century" by Huib J. ZUIDERVAART (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Session slot 1.E
Chair: Richard L. KREMER (Hanover, New Hampshire, USA

Symposium R-3: "History of astronomy in the late medieval and early modern periods"

Location: Room 6, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
11.30-11.55 "From Toledo to Venice: The Alfonsine Tables of Prosdocimo de ' Beldomandi" by José CHABÁS (Barcelona, Spain)
11.55-12.20 "Reflection of Iohannes Sindel's Eclipse Instrument in Iohannes Schöner's Opera mathematica" by Alena HADRAVOVÁ, Petr HADRAVA (Prague, The Czech Republic)
12.20-12.45 -------------

Session slot 1.F
Chair: Nicolas ROBIN (Jena, Germany)

Symposium R-11: "Botanical gardens within global and local dynamics: Sociability, professionalization and diffusion of knowledge"

Location: Room 7, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
11.30 "Introductory comments" by John Dixon HUNT (Pennsylvania, USA), Nicolas ROBIN (Jena, Germany)

Session 1: Botanical Gardens, Sociability and Networks

11.30-11.55 "Botanical gardens as places of sociability and meeting places for amateurs and professionals: Balancing the interplay between botanic gardens and schools" by Dawn SANDERS (London, The Great Britain)
11.55-12.20 "The "Society of corresponding botanists" as Pflanzschule of botanical gardens" by Daniela FEISTAUER, Uta MONECKE, Bastian RÖTHER (Halle/Saale, Germany)
12.20-12.45 "Friedrich Welwitsch and the knowledge of materia medica in nineteenth century Angola" by José Pedro SOUSA-DIAS (Lisbon, Portugal)
12.45-13.10 "Botanical networks in the 18th and early 19th century: a sociological investigation" by René SIGRIST (Geneve, Switzerland), Eric WIDMER (Geneve, Switzerland), Wladimir BERELOWITCH (Lausanne, Switzerland)

Session slot 1.G
Chair: Alicja ZEMANEK (Krakow, Poland)

Symposium R-12: "Changes of paradigms in biological sciences between Renaissance and modern times"

Location: Room 1, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
11.30-11.55 "Relationship between Libri Picturati A. 16-30 and printed Renaissance botanical works; some new data on Clusius Codex and Cesi mycological Codex" by Andrea UBRIZSY SAVOIA (Rome, Italy)
11.55-12.20 "Methodology of Renaissance botany and the Libri picturati (A 18-30) watercolour collection" Alicja ZEMANEK, Bogdan ZEMANEK (Cracow, Poland)
12.20-12.45 "The embryonic tree: A themata of Entwickelungsgeschichte" by Sabine BRAUCKMANN (Hanover, USA; Tartu, Estonia)

Session slot 1.H
Chair: Víctor NAVARRO BROTÓNS (Valencia, Spain)

Symposium R-16: "The Iberian World and the modern Science: a comparative perspective"

Location: Room 2, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
11.30-11.55 "Astrological prophecies and the Inquisition in the Iberian World" by Ana Cecilia AVALOS FLORES (Firenze, Italy) and Tayra M.C. LANUZA NAVARRO (Valencia, Spain)
11.55-12.20 "The words and things of Benito Arias Montano" by Susana GÓMEZ LÓPEZ (Madrid, Spain)
12.20-12.45 "Spain and the Low Countries. Aspects of the scientific relationship in the Sixteenth Century" by Víctor NAVARRO BROTÓNS (Valencia, Spain)

Session slot 1.I
Chair: Juliane MIKOLETZKY (Vienna, Austria)

Symposium R-6: "Natural scientists in Habsburg Monarchy 1848-1918"

Location: Room 13, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
11.30-11.55 "The Natural Sciences in the late Habsburg Monarchy: Institutions, Networks, Practices -Opening statement" by Mitchell G. ASH (Vienna, Austria)
11.55-12.20 "On searching national and scientific identities: Philipp Lenard's early career in Austria-Hungary, Germany and the Anglo-Saxon world" by Arne SCHIRRMACHER (Munich, Germany)
12.20-12.45 -------------

Session slot 1.J
Chair: Michal KOKOWSKI (Cracow, Poland)

Symposium R-19: "How to understand and write the History of Science?" or "Methodology of the History of Science"

Location: Room 14, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
11.30-11.55 "A Meta-History of Science and Methodology of the History of Science urgently needed!" by Michal KOKOWSKI (Cracow, Poland)
11.55-12.20 "The image of Science: the unity of Philosophy, Methodology and the History of Science" by Natalia KNEKHT (Moscow, Russia)
12.20-12.45 -------------

Location: Corridors of the 2nd floor, Collegium Novum, Jagiellonian University
12.45 -14.15 Lunch

Session slot 2.A
Chair: Roman DUDA (Wroclaw, Poland)

Symposium R-2: "Achievements of Central Europe in Science, in the light of historical studies"

Location: Aula / Assembly Hall, Collegium Novum (1st floor), Jagiellonian University
14.15-14.40 "KER and War: Polish synthetic rubber in American war efforts, 1941-45" by Slawomir LOTYSZ (Zielona Gora, Poland)
14.40-15.05 "Two international achievements of Lithuanians in the experimental botany science of twentieth century" by Aurika RICHKIENE (Vilnius, Lithuania)
15.05-15.30 (POSTER) "Emil Godlewski senior's contribution to creating the basis of modern plant physiology in the 19th and early 20th centuries" by Izabela KRZEPTOWSKA-MOSZKOWICZ (Krakow, Poland)

Session slot 2.B
Chair: Éva Katalin VÁMOS (Budapest, Hungary)

Symposium R-10: "From Maria Sklodowska-Curie to the 21st Century: Working on Women and Science in History of Science"

Location: Senate Room, Collegium Novum (1st floor), Jagiellonian University
14.15-14.40 "Women Radio-Chemists Facing Radioactive Risks in France" by Anne FELLINGER (Strasbourg, France)
14.40-15.05 "Women in the New Disciplines of Radioactivity and Genetics: Comparative Remarks" by Ida H. STAMHUIS (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
15.05-15.30 "Women do physiology, men do chemistry. Epistemological problems and a gendered division of labour in sex hormone research, 1920-40s" by Helga SATZINGER (London, The Great Britain)

Session slot 2.C
Chair: Vidar ENEBAKK (Oslo, Norway)

Symposium R-17: "Politically active Scientists in the 20th Century"

Location: Room 30, Collegium Novum (1st floor), Jagiellonian University
14.15-14.40 "The Periphery Principle: UNESCO and the International Commitment of Scientists After World War II" by Patrick PETITJEAN (Paris, France)
14.40-15.05 "The Nobel Laureate CV Raman FRS and his Contacts with the European Men of Science in Political Context" by Rajinder SINGH (Oldenburg, Germany)
15.05-15.30 "The lack of scientific liaison: A.V. Hill and science research in colonial India Science" by Jahnavi PHALKEY (Atlanta, USA)

Session slot 2.D
Chair: David BANEKE (Utrecht, The Netherlands)

Symposium R-18: "Circulating Knowledge: A European perspective on communication of science"

Location: Room 56, Collegium Novum (2nd floor), Jagiellonian University
14.15-14.40 "The scientific intelligentsia. Science and society in the Netherlands, 1890-1940" by David BANEKE (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
14.40-15.05 "Scientific culture in the Netherlands: Darwinism and popular culture, 1870-1885. The moral consequences of Darwinism in the Netherlands, 1860-1914" by Janneke van der HEIDE (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
15.05-15.30 "Science, religion and emancipation: Dutch Calvinist and Roman-Catholic responses to modernity in the early 20th century" by Ab FLIPSE (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Session slot 2.E
Chair: José CHABÁS (Barcelona, Spain)

Symposium R-3: "History of astronomy in the late medieval and early modern periods"

Location: Room 6, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
14.15-14.40 "Astronomy in Paulerinus's 15th Century Encyclopaedia Liber viginti arcium" by Alena HADRAVOVÁ, Petr HADRAVA (Prague, The Czech Republic)
14.40-15.05 "Reworking the Alfonsine Tables in Cracow: The Tabulae Aureae of Petrus Gaszowiec (1448)" by Richard L. KREMER (Hanover, New Hampshire, USA)
15.05-15.30 "Building a new discipline with old tools: Astronomical techniques in 16th century theoretical navigation" by Henrique LEITAO (Lisbon, Portugal)

Session slot 2.F
Chair: Nicolas ROBIN (Jena, Germany)

Symposium R-11: "Botanical gardens within global and local dynamics: Sociability, professionalization and diffusion of knowledge"

Session 2: Private Sphere and Professionalization

Location: Room 7, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
14.15-14.40 "Three little-known botanical gardens at Versailles (1762-1851): a comparative analysis of their project and of the social and intellectual trajectory of their creators" by Antoine JACOBSOHN, Stéphanie de COURTOIS, Manuel PLUVINAGE (Versailles, France)
14.40-15.05 "Private Botanical Gardens in Russia: between Noble Culture and Scientific Professionalization (1760s-1917)" by Olga ELINA (Moscow, Russia)
15.05-15.30 "Janczewski's collections of Ribes sp. at Botanic Garden, Museum and Herbarium of the Institute of Botany of the Jagiellonian University, Cracow" by Kamil KULPINSKI (Cracow, Poland)

Session slot 2.G
Chair: Alicja ZEMANEK (Krakow, Poland)

Symposium R-12: "Changes of paradigms in biological sciences between Renaissance and modern times"

Location: Room 1, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
14.15-14.40 "The evolutionary synthesis and Th. Dobzhansky" by Mikhail B. KONASHEV (Saint-Petersburg, Russia)
14.40-15.05 "The evolution of the ethnobotany as the field of science in 19th and 20th century" by Piotr KLEPACKI (Cracow, Poland)
15.05-15.30 -------------

Session slot 2.H
Chair: Víctor NAVARRO BROTÓNS (Valencia, Spain)

Symposium R-16: "The Iberian World and the modern Science: a comparative perspective"

Location: Room 2, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
14.15-14.40 "Geometrical Studies in 17th century Spain and their Counterparts in European Mathematics" by Eduard RECASENS GALLART (Barcelona, Spain)
14.40-15.05 "The Military Academy for Mathematics of Barcelona (1720) and its role in the history of engineering in Spain" by Antoni ROCA-ROSELL, Maria ROSA MASSA, Carles PUIG-PLA, Francesc X. BARCA, and Guillermo LUSA (Barcelona, Spain)
15.05-15.30 "Reacting to external events - solar eclipses as catalysts of the Portuguese astronomical development in the second half of the nineteenth century" by Vitor BONIFÁCIO, Isabel MALAQUIAS (Aveiro, Portugal) and Joao M. FERNANDES (Coimbra, Portugal)

Session slot 2.I
Chair: Paulus EBNER (Vienna, Austria)

Symposium R-6: "Natural scientists in Habsburg Monarchy 1848-1918"

Location: Room 13, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
14.15-14.40 "Physicists and Chemists at the University of Lviv/Lemberg until 1918" by Yurij HOLOVACH, Roman PLYATSKO (Lviv, Ukraine)
14.40-15.05 "Scientists and Mathematicians at Czernowitz University before 1914" by Robert ROSNER (Vienna, Austria)
15.05-15.30 "Mobility of Chemistry Professors of the Prague Charles Ferdinand University at the Turn of the 20th Century; where and why?" by Sona Strbanova (Prague, The Czech Republic)

Session slot 2.J
Chair: Michal KOKOWSKI (Cracow, Poland)

Symposium R-19: "How to understand and write the History of Science?" or "Methodology of the History of Science"

Location: Room 14, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
14.15-14.40 "The tacit knowledge in the experience of reconstruction of the History of Science" by Lena ABRAROVA (Moscow, Russia)
14.40-15.05 "Creating a Cross-comparative Methodology to Study Engineering Education and Profession in Europe Today" by Anne-Sophie GODFROY-GENIN (Cachan, France)
15.05-15.30 "Technological metaphors and history of science" by Jarmo PULKKINEN (Oulu, Finland)

Location: Corridors of the 2nd floor, Collegium Novum, Jagiellonian University
15.30-16.15 Tee Break

Session slot 3.A
Chair: Roman DUDA (Wroclaw, Poland)

Symposium R-2: "Achievements of Central Europe in Science, in the light of historical studies"

Location: Aula / Assembly Hall, Collegium Novum (1st floor), Jagiellonian University
16.15-16.40 "Establishing an Astronomical Network from Gdansk: Johannes Hevelius' Exchange with the European Scientific Community" by Voula SARIDAKIS (Lake Forest, USA)
16.40-17.05 "Polish initiative in creation of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA)" by Stefan Witold ALEXANDROWICZ (Cracow, Poland)
17.05-17.30 -------------

Session slot 3.B
Chair: Éva Katalin VÁMOS (Budapest, Hungary)

Symposium R-10: "From Maria Sklodowska-Curie to the 21st Century: Working on Women and Science in History of Science"

Location: Senate Room, Collegium Novum (1st floor), Jagiellonian University
16.15-16.40 "The women who defended a thesis in mathematics in France during the interwar period" by Juliette LELOUP (Paris, France)
16.40-17.05 "Anneliese Maier and her contribution to the history of science" by Annette B. VOGT (Berlin, Germany)
17.05-17.30 -------------

Session slot 3.C
Chair: Vidar ENEBAKK (Oslo, Norway)

Symposium R-17: "Politically active Scientists in the 20th Century"

Location: Room 30, Collegium Novum (1st floor), Jagiellonian University
16.15-16.40 "Niels Bohr's mission for an open world " by Finn AASERUD (Copenhagen, Denmark)
16.40-17.05 "Cold War ideology and international science politics: Rosenfeld versus Bohr" by Anja Skaar JACOBSEN (Roskilde, Denmark)
17.05-17.30 "Biology and War - American Biology and International Science" by Heiner FANGERAU (Duesseldorf, Germany)

Session slot 3.D
Chair: Bert THEUNISSEN (Utrecht, The Netherlands)

Symposium R-18: "Circulating Knowledge: A European perspective on communication of science"

Location: Room 56, Collegium Novum (2nd floor), Jagiellonian University
16.15-16.40 "Science communication strategies of amateurs and professional scientists in nineteenth century Belgium" by Geert VANPAEMEL (Leuven, Belgium)
16.40-17.05 "Integration in Europe of human genetics results obtained by Spaniards in the USA: a historical perspective" by Emilia CURRÁS (Madrid, Spain), Enrique WULFF BARREIRO (Cádiz, Spain)
17.05-17.30 -------------

Session slot 3.E

Chair: José CHABÁS (Barcelona, Spain)
Symposium R-3: "History of astronomy in the late medieval and early modern periods"

Location: Room 6, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
16.15-16.40 "Regiomontanus as a Physical Astronomer" by Michael H. SHANK (Wisconsin-Madison, Canada)
16.40-17.05 "Astronomical Observations in the Time of Copernicus: Tradition and Novelty" by Jaroslaw WLODARCZYK (Warsaw, Poland)
17.05-17.30 -------------

Session slot 3.F
Chair: Volker Wissemann (Jena, Germany)

Symposium R-11: "Botanical gardens within global and local dynamics: Sociability, professionalization and diffusion of knowledge"

Session 3: Botanical Gardens in Context

Location: Room 7, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
16.15-16.40 "Andreas Gryphius and the Instructive Garden" by Patricia D. HARDIN (Lexington, USA)
16.40-17.05 " 'Mixing Foreign Trees with the Natives'; The Form and Ideology of Irish Botanic Gardens and Arboreta" by Finola O'KANE (Dublin, Ireland)
17.05-17.30 "Space, State, Territory, Region and Habitat: Alpine Gardens in the Habsburg Countries" by Marianne KLEMUN (Vienna, Austria)
17.30-17.55 "Did Colonization Boost International Relations between Botanical Gardens? The Belgian Situation" by Denis DIAGRE (Bruxelles, Belgium)

Session slot 3.G
Chair: W. Gerhard POHL (Linz, Austria)

Symposium R-7: "Scientific connections between Austria and Poland (and their global importance)"

Location: Room 1, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
16.15-16.40 "Michael Sendivogius - an Alchemist and Austrian-Polish Double Agent of the beginning 17th Century" by Rudolf W. SOUKUP (Vienna, Austria)
16.40-17.05 "From Galicia to Vienna: scientific careers of I. Puluj and I. Horbaczewski" by Roman PLYATSKO (Lviv, Ukraine)
17.05-17.30 "Smoluchowski and Vienna" by Hermann HUNGER (Vienna, Austria)
17.30-17.55 "100 Years Theory of Brownian Motion: Einstein, Smoluchowski, their forerunners and followers" by W. Gerhard POHL (Linz, Austria)

Session slot 3.H
Chair: Hartmut HECHT (Berlin, Germany)

Symposium R-5: "Leibniz on Science, Medicine and Technology - a European Project of the Leibniz-Edition"

Location: Room 2, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
16.15-16.40 "Series VIII of the Leibniz-Edition. An Introduction" by Eberhard KNOBLOCH (Berlin, Germany)
16.40-17.05 "Leibniz online. A Modern Presentation of Unknown Manuscripts" by Hartmut HECHT (Berlin, Germany)
17.05-17.30 "Leibniz's Early Papers on Medical Care" by Achim TRUNK (Berlin, Germany)
17.30-17.55 "Leibniz in Paris" by Vladimir KIRSANOV (Moscow, Russia)

Session slot 3.I
Chair: Mitchell G. ASH (Vienna, Austria)

Symposium R-6: "Natural scientists in Habsburg Monarchy 1848-1918"

Location: Room 13, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
16.15-16.40 "Physicists and Chemists at the University of Agriculture (Hochschule fuer Bodenkultur) in Vienna between 1890 and 1918" by Paulus EBNER (Vienna, Austria)
16.40-17.05 "Physicists and Chemists at the Vienna University of Technology around 1900: Mobility and Carer Patterns" by Juliane MIKOLETZKY (Vienna, Austria)
17.05-17.30 "Searching for Excellence. Appointments to Chairs at the Medical Faculty of Vienna University during the 2nd half of the 19th Century: Strategies for Success or Political Programs?" by Felicitas SEEBACHER (Klagenfurt, Austria)

Session slot 3.J
Chair: Michal KOKOWSKI (Cracow, Poland)

Symposium R-19: "How to understand and write the History of Science?" or "Methodology of the History of Science"

Location: Room 14, Collegium Olszewskiego (ground floor), Jagiellonian University
16.15-16.40 "Writing the history of Catalan molecular biology: using correspondence, interviews and papers" by Xavier CALVÓ-MONREAL (Barcelona, Spain)
16.40-17.05 "Adjectives, Footnotes and Captions. Historiographic biases against preformation in mid-war accounts of embryology" by Clara PINTO-CORREIA (Lisbon, Portugal)
17.05-17.30 "Controversies and Concept Changes in Erythrocyte Aging Studies: A Look into the Dynamics of the Research Area" by Maria STRECHT ALMEIDA (Porto, Portugal)

Location: Botanic Garden, Jagiellonian University
19.30-22.30 Conference Dinner










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