Editor & Webmaster: Michal Kokowski
Last modification: 14 January 2008
POST-Conference Proceedings
Updated version of "POST-Conference Proceedings"
Previous modification: 23 December 2007
POST-Conference Proceedings
The post-conference Proceedings of the 2nd ICESHS is launched!
It is a 1006-page monograph, made in a Portable Document Format (PDF).
To view the proceedings you need to have a PDF file viewer, such as Adobe Acrobat© Reader© (5.0 and higher versions), installed on your computer.
(You can Download Adobe Acrobat Reader free from Adobe's website.)
Previous modification: 15 September 2006
Sessions: Saturday of 9 September, Additional Papers, Posters
Updated versions of "Schedule", "List of symposia" and "Online Book of Abstracts"; "THANKS!"; "Post- Conference Proceedings"; "Format of Papers of a Post-Conference Proceedings"
THANKS! by Ass. Prof. Michal Kokowski (Cracow, Poland)
Vice-chairman of the Programme and Local Committees,
Manager & Secretary of the Conference Office, Webmaster of the Conference
To whom it may concern!
Dear Colleagues,
I am delighted to thank all institutions and persons involved in organisations of the 2nd International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science (Cracow, 6-9 September, 2006), such as the institutional organisers and organisational partners of the conference, the media partners, the sponsors of the conference, the members of the Honorary, Programme and Local Committees, the organisers and chairpersons of the symposia and round-table discussions, the authors of plenary lectures, contributed papers and posters, all other regular participants without any paper, all guests as well as all the persons from the staff of the conference.
If this conference, entitled "The Global and the Local: The History of Science and the Cultural Integration of Europe", has been successful, its success is our common outcome! Of course, I am sorry for all organisational shortcomings both dependent or independent of my own decisions.
I wish all of us that the next international conferences of the ESHS will be better than the Cracow conference (with respect to both their programmes and their organisations), focusing more and more on the following crucial idea.
The local history of science and the global history of science are complementary. However, they may not be misled each other. It means, among others, that ... achievements of all countries in science and in writing on the history of science should have an equal right to be taken into account in the same serious way in the global history of science. This is, in my opinion, the essence of "the Cultural Integration of Europe" considered in the context of the branch of knowledge named the history of science.
Previous modification: 2 September 2006
Updated versions of: "List of Symposia" and "Online Book of Abstracts" (Plenary Lectures)
Previous modification: 31 August 2006
Updated versions of: "Schedule of the Conference", "Online Book of Abstracts" and "Conference Sites and Lecture Rooms"
Previous modification: 25 August 2006
"Conference Sites and Lecture Rooms" (with upadated version of Conference Sites and Maps of Cracow!);
updated versions of: "Schedule of the Conference" and "Online Book of Abstracts".
"Conference Sites and Lecture Rooms"
See "Conference Sites and Lecture Rooms" (in the right navigation panel).
Updated version of "Online Book of Abstracts"
See "Online Book of Abstracts" (in the right navigation panel), especially Symposia: R-1, R-3, R-10, R-17, R-18, and R-varia III.
Updated version of "Schedule of the Conference"
See "Schedule" (in the right navigation panel), especially Symposia: R-1, R-3, R-10, R-17, R-18,
and R-varia III.
Previous modification: 31 July 2006
Some changes in Schedule of the Conference; Online Book of Abstracts; Webmaster's remarks
Changes in Schedule of the Conference
See "Schedule" (in the right navigation panel), especially Opening Plenary Lecture and
Symposia: R-2, R-10, R-17, R-18, and R-varia I-III.
Online Book of Abstracts
An effective participation in each conference that is composed of many parallel sessions
is always problematic for many obvious reasons, including the anonymity of participants caused
by difficulty in communication between participants in different sessions and locations.
Unfortunately this will be no less true of the Cracow meeting (especially as rooms will be situated
in three separate buildings).
In an attempt to diminish this problem, the "Online book of abstracts" is launched (see the right navigation panel). Its aim is to facilitate contacts between participants in the conference and to propagate their works better.
There exists, however, one prosaic additional condition that every author of approved abstract must realise to place one's abstract in this book. One should pay the conference fee, in advance!
Webmaster's remarks on printing of Internet documents of the conference
If you use an Opera browser and a relatively old printer, some problems may appear in printing Internet
documents of our conference. In this case, please not mark a field "Print background" in print feature of
Opera, or ... use other browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox. Please note also that the
better printer (and higher resolution) the better quality of printout.
Previous modification: 28 June 2006
Schedule of the Conference
Previous modification: 16 May 2006
Honorary Committee; Special reduction of fees; Post Conference Proceedings - An important change; Schedule
Special reduction of fees!
In pursuit of the ideal of European solidarity, the organisers of the conference offer the authors of
contributed papers / posters - who represent the countries in serious economic difficulties and with very low budgets for science - a reduction of fees of about 100 euros per person. This allowance is especially intended for retired scholars and doctoral students. The support may be offered, at the organizers' discretion, in the form of free accommodation in the Student Dormitory "Nawojka" (for four nights) or as a waiving or reduction of the conference fee. The organisers reserve to decide a form of allocated reduction of fees.
Unfortunately, the limited funds available mean that such reductions can be offered to only a small group of persons.
Please contact the conference office as soon as possible (deadline: 26 May), indicating the code number (R1, etc.) of the symposium in which you are presenting your paper/poster, the title of your paper / poster, country where you live and institution where you work (or worked, if you are a retired person).
Post Conference Proceedings - An important change
To avoid the inevitable problems that arise in making an objective selection of the best papers /posters from the conference, the organizers of the 2nd ICESHS have changed their initial plans concerning the publication of the conference proceedings. After the conference, full texts of all papers (including plenary lectures, contributed papers, posters and discussions) will be issued in an electronic form - on CD. These electronic proceedings will be made available free of charge! In addition, if the organizers of the conference receive additional grants, the proceedings will be issued in printed form. In this case, however, there will necessarily be a charge for the volumes, which may well be expensive (perhaps costing about 100 euros).
The length of the full text of papers accepted for the post conference proceedings is a maximum 24.000 signs (without spaces!). Details about the format of papers will be made available during the conference. Papers that do not conform to the format will be rejected! Also lingusitic matters will be the responsibility of the authors concerned: the English of papers will not be improved by the editor(-s) of the proceedings!
Previous modification: 29 March 2006
Sessions: Saturday of 9 September, Additional Papers, Posters
Sessions: Saturday, 9 September
On Saturday, sessions will be organised on the following themes:
R1: "The role of national and international societies in the history of science",
RE: "History and the Public Understanding of Science",
E1: "History of science in education and training in Europe: what new prospects?",
E-varia: "Teaching Controversial Themes in the History of Science", "Bridging the gap between secondary school and the History of Science", and all other educational issues not included in the E1 Symposium,
D2: "The History of Science and the Cultural Integration of Europe: Barriers and Opportunities".
Additional Papers, Posters
If you have already submitted an abstract of your first paper to the Office of the Conference but you still have
something interesting to say on the R1, RE, E1, E-varia or D2 issues, the Office encourages you to submit an abstract of your additional paper on the matters. [The maximum number of all these papers is limited
to 50.]
Moreover, the Office encourages you to submit an abstract of a poster on any theme of the conference (that is: R1 - R-varia, RE, E1- E-varia, D2) - Poster Dimensions: 70 cm (width) x 100 cm (height). [The maximum number of all conference posters is limited to 40.]
In both cases, note that a new deadline for the matters mentioned above (and only for them) is 10 May 2006.
Abstracts should be prepared according to the standard format assumed for contributed papers (please see the "Format of proposals" below or in the right navigation panel). As the subject of your e-mail please use: "Additional ABSTRACT" - the code of the session, e.g., E1 (PAPER) or E1 (POSTER).
Previous modification: 14 March 2006
Grants for Students
Previous modification: 8 March 2006
Posters, Media Partners, Excursions, Registration, Online Registration, Hotel Reservation, Maps of Cracow, Travel information
At the request of some potential participants of the conference a new possibility has been created to attend
our conference in an active way. Not only papers but also posters can be submitted as proposals!
Honorary Committee
- Prof. Andrzej Bialas,
President of the Polish Academy of Arts and Science, - Prof. Andrzej B. Legocki,
President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, - Prof. Tadeusz Luty,
President of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland,
Rector of Wroclaw University of Technology, - Prof. Jacek Majchrowski,
President of Cracow, - Prof. Karol Musiol,
Rector of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, - Prof. Adam Daniel Rotfeld,
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland, - Mr Janusz Sepiol,
Marshal of the Malopolska Region, - Prof. Michal Sewerynski,
Minister of Science of the Republic of Poland.
Programme Committee
- Prof. Robert Fox, Chairman (Oxford, Great Britain),
- Ass. Prof. Michal Kokowski, Vice-chairman (Cracow, Poland),
- Prof. Claude Debru, Vice-chairman (Paris, France),
- Prof. Maria Alvarez-Lires (Vigo, Spain),
- Prof. Fabio Bevilacqua (Pavia, Italy),
- Prof. Roman Duda (Wroclaw, Poland),
- Prof. Kostas Gavroglu (Athens, Greece),
- Prof. Fernand Hallyn (Ghent, Belgium),
- Prof. Eberhard Knobloch (Berlin, Germany),
- Prof. Janusz K. Kozlowski (Cracow, Poland),
- Prof. Helge Kragh (Aarhus, Denmark),
- Prof. Boleslaw Orlowski (Warsaw, Poland),
- Prof. Andrzej Pelczar (Cracow, Poland),
- Prof. W. Gerhard Pohl (Linz, Austria),
- Prof. Luis Saraiva (Lisbon, Portugal),
- Prof. Juraj Sebesta (Bratislava, Slovakia),
- Prof. Andrzej Srodka (Cracow-Warsaw, Poland),
- Prof. Ida Stamhuis (Amsterdam, The Netherlands),
- Prof. Sona Strbanova (Prague, Czech Republic),
- Prof. Adam Strzalkowski (Cracow, Poland),
- Prof. Eva Vamos (Budapest, Hungary).
- Prof. Joseph Wachelder (Maastricht, The Netherlands),
- Prof. Andrzej Kajetan Wroblewski (Warsaw, Poland),
- Prof. Alicja Zemanek (Cracow, Poland).
Local Committee
- Prof. Zdzislaw Mach, Chairman
(Centre for European Studies, JU), - Ass. Prof. Michal Kokowski, Vice-chairman
(Commission on the History of Science, PAAS; IHS PAS), - Prof. Claude Debru, Vice-chairman
(Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris), - Dr. Miroslaw Natanek
(Centre for European Studies, JU), - Prof. Andrzej Pelczar
(Chairman of the Commission for European Matters, PAAS; JU), - Prof. Zdzislaw Pietrzyk
(Jagiellonian Library, JU), - Prof. Jacek Purchla
(International Culture Centre, Cracow), - Prof. Adam Strzalkowski
(Chairman of the Commission on the History of Science, PAAS; JU), - Prof. Stanislaw Waltos
(Museum of the JU), - Prof. Alicja Zemanek
(Commission on the History of Science, PAAS; JU).
- European Society for the History of Science,
- Commission on the History of Science, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences,
- Commission for European Matters, Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences,
- Jagiellonian University,
- Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences.
- Hungarian Museum for Science and Technology,
- Institute of the Contemporary History, Academy of Science of the Czech Republik,
- Slovak Society for History of Science and Technology.
Media Partners
The international magazine ORGANON (Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw) will issue papers of the symposium R4 (see the List of Sessions / Symposia below or in the right navigation panel).
The Quarterly Journal for the History of Science and Technology (Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw) is interested in issuing the papers of one of the symposia. (The papers will have to be reviewed additionally.)
The organizers of the conference encourage international magazines devoted to the history of science to issue papers of the other conference
symposia. Please contact the Conference Office (see the address below).
Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences - STRATEGIC SPONSOR,Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET AGH (hosting of the conference website).
Conference Office
All e-mail correspondence should be addressed to 2iceshs@cyfronet.pl.
Information on all programme matters can be obtained from Ass. Prof. Michal Kokowski (Institute for the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Slawkowska 17, 31-016 Krakow, Poland; Fax: + 48 12 432 99 50).
Information on all other issues can be obtained from Dr. Miroslaw Natanek (Jagiellonian University, Centre for European Studies, ul. Jodlowa 13, 30-252 Krakow, Poland; Fax: + 48 12 429 70 52).
Scholars and doctoral students, interested in the theme of the conference, are invited to take part in the Cracow event. The conference is not restricted to ESHS members or to Europeans and residents of Europe and giving a lecture or contributed paper is not a necessary condition to be a participant.
The conference is planned as an important happening within a series of initiatives aimed at creating a European community in the history of science. The first conference of the ESHS, held in Maastricht, 4 - 6 November 2004, set the tone, and the society now looks forward to building on the achievements of that conference in a gathering that will bring together scholars from all parts of Europe, from the West and East, North and South, and the Centre of the continent. The aim of the Cracow Conference is to create an opportunity for a creative dialogue and an exchange of experiences among representatives of different countries, including the old and new members of the European Union, as well as countries out of the Community.
Thematic Scope
Programmatic Intent
Science, developed with great success across the world, is to a large extent a historical heritage of Europe. It is also one of the main foundations of the cultural, economical and political integration of this part of the world. The History of Science as a field of research aims to show science (both exact, natural and social sciences) in all historical contexts with its divers and changing relationships with culture and society: with philosophy, arts, religion, technology, politics and economics. Therefore, this branch is a kind of bridge between seemingly remote disciplines as exact and natural sciences and as humanities. The research outcomes of this branch may and do deepen our understanding of culture and, in consequence, they may help to integrate culture as a whole - it is one of the conclusions that caused to create Scientific Archives and Museums, and to teach History of science in Higher Education.
European reflection on the History of Science, understood in the broad sense sketched above, is determined now by some global factors and a variety of local. The former are the process of cultural, political and economical integration of Europe, and the establishment of the ESHS. The latter are a wealth of varied conditions of particular places, centres and countries where we live and operate. These joint factors may and do cause some crucial differences in understanding the History of science, both on general scale and with regard to particular matters. There exists at least a true need to be aware of them.
Intended Thematic Scope
The history of science is understood here in two main senses, formal and material. It is understood, on the one hand, as the Historiography of Science (i.e. a branch of knowledge, devoted to the study of the science of the past (as well as of the present), a discipline with its specific objectives, methodology, theory, writing and teaching) and, on the other, as the events or processes of development of science (past and present) themselves.
Consequently, the subject-matter of the conference is determined additionally by the two complementary themes: "The Historiography of Science and the Cultural Integration of Europe" and "Historical Role of Science in the Cultural Integration of Europe".
(It is worth noticing here that the meaning of the term "historiography" is often restricted only to "the study of the way history has been and is written" or to "the history of historical writing" or to "the study of history seen in the light of ideological and philosophical systems". However, from a methodological point of view, this is a regrettable limitation based on an illusion that the historian is able "to research history directly" (by using so-called primary sources) as well as "to create purely descriptive reconstructions of history" (by using only "hard historical facts" or "pure facts", free of any theoretical or philosophical interpretation or generalization).)
Call for Papers
(Valid: January 1, 2006 - March 15, 2006!) (Finished!)
Scholars willing to present a 20-minute contributed paper at this conference are invited to submit a one-page abstract to the Programme Committee between January 1, 2006 and March 15, 2006.
The language of the conference is English.
The proposals should be addressed to: 2iceshs@cyfronet.pl.
Please use the code of the Symposium / Discussions (mentioned above at the point "List of Sessions / Symposia") as the subject.
Format of Proposals
Abstracts of proposals of contributed papers should be prepared as Microsoft Word 97 documents.
The text of proposals for contributed papers should be single-spaced, in 12 pt Times New Roman, except for the title of the proposal (bold in 14pt) and the 'Institution(s) and e-mail address(es)' (in Arial 10pt); the order of the whole text is as follows: (1) the code of the symposium, (2) name(-s) of author(-s), (3) institution (-s), (4) e-mail address(-es) of author(-s), (5) the main text; the positions mentioned as well as the 'title of the proposal should be centred, and the main text should be justified; the 'title of proposal' and the first paragraph of the main text should be preceded by one empty line (in 12 pt). The first paragraph should not be indented, and the second and subsequent ones should be indented 0,5 cm (this parameter can be chosen in the panel "Tools" + "Format" + "Tabulators" + "Perceptive location of tabulators"). The whole text must not exceed a single page of 1800 signs (the number of signs in a document can be set very simply by selecting from the panel "Tools"+ "Statistics of words").
If throwing an e-mail address open to the public may seem to be inconvenient in any way for a participant of Cracow Conference,
one is pleased to resign of this point in one's abstract of contributed paper.
Some proceedings are planned. One will be issued before the conference, with basic information on the conference, participants addresses, and abstracts of plenary lectures and contributed papers (see below). Then, after the conference, two other proceedings will be issued: one with the plenary lectures and a selection of contributed papers, and other with a selection of papers of the session on "Achievements of Central Europe in Science, in the light of historical studies". (Please see the beginning of the page, the point "Last modification: 16 May 2006", Post Conference Proceedings - An important change).
Conference Fee
The conference fee is 99 euros (up to June 1, 2006) or 140 euros (after June 1, 2006), and includes coffee/tea and catered lunches on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.
Grants for Students
The European Society for the History of Science has decided to offer a maximum of ten grants (of 100 Euros each) in order to exonerate graduate students who will present a paper at the Cracow conference from the conference fees. Interested students should contact Prof. Robert Fox, President of the ESHS, or Ms. Stephanie Dupouy, Secretary of the ESHS. Concerning the grants, priority will be given to the members of ESHS.
Conference Dinner
On Thursday night September 7, 2006 a conference dinner will be organised at the Botanical Garden of the Jagiellonian University. This dinner is not included in the conference fee and costs 21 euros (up to June 1, 2006) or 25 euros (after June 1, 2006).
Additional Events
During the Conference
Some expositions on the history of science are worth visiting, namely the ones organized at Collegium Maius (Museum of the Jagiellonian University), and a special exhibition of rare books and manuscripts (including the autograph of De revolutionibus!) organized in the Jagiellonian Library.
For further information see "Excursions" (below or in the right navigation panel).
After the Conference
When the conference finishes, a related event, i.e. the 25th Annual Scientific Instrument Symposium, entitled "East and West - the Common European Heritage", will take place in Cracow on 10-14 September 2006. It is organized by the Scientific Instrument Commission of the International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science, and by the Museum of the Jagiellonian University. For further information see "Related Links 1" in the right navigation panel.
The excursions "Wieliczka Salt Mine" and "Krakow sightseeing" will be organized in two dates (to choose from).
- Wieliczka Salt Mine
Wednesday morning, September 6, 9.00-13.00
Sunday afternoon, September 10, 14.00-18.00 - Krakow sightseeing
Wednesday afternoon, September 6, 14.00-18.00
Sunday morning, September 10, 9.00-13.00 - Collegium Maius - Jagiellonian University Museum
Friday evening, September 8, 18.00-21.00 - Jagiellonian Library - Collection of manuscripts and rare books (including the autograph of De revolutionibus!)
Friday evening, September 8, 18.00-19.30
For a brief description of the paid excursions see Wieliczka and Cracow tours (261 kB PDF). If you
are interested in making other trips, please see
the Orbis tours website.
Please note that the excursions "Wieliczka Salt Mine" and "Krakow sightseeing" take place if at least 15 persons are willing to participate.
The sightseeing tour of Krakow, September 10th, will be shorter because of the Sacred day (excluding St. Mary's Church and Wawel Cathedral).
Proposals for Sessions and Symposia: 15 November 2005.
Abstracts of Contributed Papers: 15 March 2006.
Notification of Acceptance of Contributed Papers: 15 April 2006.
Registration: 1 June 2006
(conference fee 99 euros, excluding conference dinner 21 euros)
Hotel Reservation:1 June 2006.
NB: The fee for participants registered after 1 June 2006 will be 140 euros, and 25 euros for the dinner.
Travel Information
Please see the file attached (29 kB DOC).